Age of Steam - Deluxe Edition (English)

C$154.99 C$123.99
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Iron horses belching steam roar across the land! Age of Steam brings to life the days when pioneering railroads built the tracks that transformed the global economy.
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With the latest Age of Steam Deluxe Edition printing, we have increased the box size to match our other large box deluxe games and created a new insert layout.

Iron horses belching steam roar across the land! Age of Steam brings to life the days when pioneering railroads built the tracks that transformed the global economy. Each phase of the game keeps players constantly involved in making vital decisions and interacting with other players.

You are challenged to:

  • Finance both the most extensive track network and the most powerful locomotives
  • Determine which routes will give the best returns on their costs
  • Beat the opposition to the most lucrative expeditions
  • Earn enough money to pay your aggressive creditors
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