Cerebria - Le monde intérieur (French)

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Cerebria is a dynamic zone control game, based on teamwork and focused on objectives, in which players embody powerful minds.
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The Spirits of Bliss and Gloom manipulate emotions in a bitter struggle to represent the spirit.

Cerebria is a dynamic, team-based, goal-oriented zone control game in which players embody spirits, powerful entities that represent Bliss or Gloom. These opposing forces - the two sides of human nature - struggle to control and shape the inner world, the metaphorical representation of an evolving personality.

Cerebria presents a unique theme and many innovative mechanisms. The game is centered around player-controlled minds and Emotion cards that control the areas of Cerebria, each with its own stats and abilities.

Spirits can perform up to three actions in turn. These include moving between the realms and the borders of Cerebria, using the specific powers of the realms, summoning and enhancing the Emotion cards, suppressing opposing emotions, and building Fortresses to consolidate their influence in certain areas. Actions cost Will, which is gained mainly by absorbing the Spheres of Origin in the middle of the board. Bliss and Gloom also have a rare common team resource, Ambition, which allows them to use the game's most powerful effects.

Teams can score points either by achieving publicly known minor objectives (Intentions) or by completing their major objectives (Aspirations), which change dynamically throughout the game. Scoring Aspirations allows players to add fragments of Bliss and Gloom to the Identity, built in the middle of the board.

These are key moments in the game: Cerebria's state is constantly changing, but the Fragments are the permanent imprint of a game state during scoring events.

The game is won by the team with more influence on the finished identity, becoming the dominant force in Cerebria.

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