Château combo (French)

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A quick and clever card game from the publisher of Faraway.

In Château Combo, build a winning board by recruiting the best combination of 9 characters. To do this, manage your gold, your keys and the placement of your cards well, while making the best use of the effects of your recruits!

Château Combo is a board-building game whose simplicity is matched only by its richness, providing very rewarding sensations! Each turn, you just recruit one character to add him to your table, but this very simple action concentrates a lot of important decisions:

- You must manage your Keys in order to influence the Messenger pawn at the appropriate times, because it is he who determines which characters can be recruited

- Manage your Gold nest egg to be able to pay the cost of the characters that interest you throughout the game

- Choose your characters carefully to optimize both the effect they trigger upon purchase and the points they will bring you at the end of the game

- Finally, place these characters wisely in your 3 by 3 table to get the most out of them.

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