Cubosaurs (Multilingual)

C$22.99 C$16.99
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Cubosaurs is a draft and collection of cards, where you will have to constitute the best herd of dinosaurs. This game is in the same range as Cubirds.
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Draft the best dinosaurs for your herd while leaving the worst ones to the others!

Welcome to Cubosaurs: 66 million years ago, when the Earth was the playground of the dinosaurs. Can you prolong their reign?

You'll have to respect the subtle balance between all their species!

How the game works

Each type of dinosaur has its own way of earning or losing points, depending on how many you have at the end of the round.

To outdo the other players, you must decide each turn whether to add the hand of cards you have to your collection, or pass it on to the next player.

But there is one important constraint to being allowed to pass your Hand: you must be able to add an extra card from your collection. And this card must be different from any other card already in the hand.

Be smart and turn this constraint into a golden opportunity to get rid of cards that devalue your collection.

And above all, avoid being the one who is forced to collect the worst hands... if you want to have a chance to win!

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