Diluvium (French)

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At the head of a powerful civilization, you must explore and colonize the islands, in order to extract as much wealth as possible. On their turn, each player performs one of the following 4 actions: explore, conquer, exploit or fight.
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Each of these actions will ultimately lead you to obtain gold. When a resource pool is exhausted, the game will end and the richest civilization will be declared victorious.

For long and terrible months, the sky poured down in torrents on the earth. Continents drowned, caught up in the voracious waves, while powerful empires bet their survival on the construction of ships.

The golden age of ancient civilizations was coming to an end.

Setting out in search of open land, you each lead your people until you come across archipelagos. You are given a chance to rebuild your world. But you are not alone. Other civilizations have suffered the same fate as you and now find themselves on the only lands that have not been submerged. The remains scattered there testify that you were not the first to set foot on this ground, but perhaps you will manage to use the knowledge of the mysterious empire of Mu to assert your supremacy.

You will attempt to revive your greatness by exploring the seas, conquering the islands, amassing their resources and preparing for war. So little room for such great people... You know that there will not be enough space for everyone and you must impose yourself immediately if you wish to restore your former grandeur.

You can explore and conquer the islands of Diluvium with 2, 3 or 4 players.

A single-player mode even allows you to play alone during a campaign whose branches depend only on your choices! So be ready to assume the consequences of your actions, your future meetings depend on it.

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