Dominations - Road to Civilization (French) [PRE-ORDER]

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In this Civilization game based on the placement of triangular dominoes, players take on the role of a primitive tribe, which they will seek to transform into a Nation whose influence will be felt through the ages.
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Dominations: Road to Civilization: Build a civilization that will be remembered for a long time! 

In this Civilization game based on the placement of triangular dominoes, players take on the role of a primitive tribe, which they will seek to transform into a Nation whose influence will be felt throughout the ages ... 
Place your Dominoes carefully to gain the Knowledge that will determine how your company will be shaped over time.
This Knowledge will allow you to build Cities and develop Knowledge, creating the legacy for which your Civilization will go down in the annals of History. The game lasts 3 rounds, with each round representing an Age or approximately 1000 years in the history of your Civilization. 
During these centuries, you will explore new territories, build Cities and Great Monuments, and perfect different Knowledge.

Each game turn is divided into 3 phases: Growth, Construction and Development.

  • During the Growth phase, players place their triangular dominoes to gain Knowledge points, the game's main resource. There are 6 types of Knowledge available: Civic, Craft, Religion, Commerce, Art and Science. By cleverly combining the different types of Knowledge represented on the Triangular Dominoes, players can earn additional points. 
  • During the Construction Phase, players can build Cities or contribute to Great Monuments. Building a City allows you to gain additional resources each time a Domino is placed next to it. Great Monuments are common goals to which all players can contribute, but the player with the highest contribution earns special powers and victory points at the end of the game! 
  • During the Development Phase, players can use their Knowledge either to master a new Knowledge, perfect an already acquired Knowledge, or increase their power. Each time you develop a Knowledge, you get a Knowledge card that grants you a power and opens the door to even more possibilities! At the end of each round, the player with the highest number of a Knowledge type becomes a Master in that Domain, earning them Victory Points and an additional bonus for the next age. 
Dominations is a new approach to Civilization development and management. In Dominations there are no wars, armies or empires; players are judged solely by the society they create and the legacy they leave behind. Dominations is an expert Eurogame that will challenge even the most experienced players. Dominations is strategically deep without being complex, and Dominos placement adds a playful element to the game. Players have the total freedom to build their civilization as they wish: but only one will be able to achieve Domination
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