Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition - Spellbook Cards - Xanathars (French)

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Développez votre bibliothèque de connaissances arcaniques avec un nouvel ensemble de cartes de sorts D&D contenant de nouveaux sorts trouvés dans le Guide complet de Xanathar!

Expand your library of arcane knowledge with a new set of D&D spell cards featuring new spells found in the Complete Guide to Xanathar!

This set contains 95 durable laminated cards that expand the options for spellcasters of all types. Now, spellcasters can choose from a wide variety of new spells, ranging from useful cantrips like "Disconcerting Infestation" to "Devastating Psychic Shout." Each card is marked with symbols indicating which classes can cast the spell. Xanathar's Guide to Everything™ and Spellbook cards include all spells previously released as part of the "Elemental Evil" storyline

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