Excavation Earth (French)

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In the very distant future, Excavation Earth offers a new vision of our planet.
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Excavation Earth asks: if extraterrestrial races discovered our planet centuries later, what would they think? What objects or remnants of “human” civilization would have value in their eyes? Play as alien explorers and become the richest by selling artifacts at the right time while manipulating the different markets or gather collections to sell to museums at the end of the game.

You lead groups of alien explorers who roam the now-abandoned Earth in search of relics. The central board represents a map of the planet with 21 different locations. There are three types of locations: markets, dig sites and black markets, five colors of relics, corresponding to the five regions where they can appear and four types of relics per region, each corresponding to an alien glyph. On your turn, select 2 actions: you can move to new markets or excavation areas, carry out excavations, bargain to increase the rarity and value of certain relics, sell, profit from smuggling, send your crew to the post command or on a market or even survey the terrain. It's up to you to collect as many relics as possible and take a sample to display in your gallery, by placing a guard on your Faction board. The value of each sample depends on the rarity of the relic: the rarer it is, the more expensive it is. At the end of 3 rounds, the player who has been able to exploit his exploration and excavations the most astutely will be the winner of this rare object hunt!

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