Exit Kids 2 - La chasse aux cookies (French)

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Alert, alert! Cookie-stealing monsters have invaded the city. Ten cookie boxes were stolen in your neighborhood... You won't let them get away with it that easily!
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You decide to follow them and you arrive in Monstralia, a country populated by hairy and multicolored creatures. Obviously, you will not go unnoticed. Fortunately, monsters like to have visitors, and they want to reward you for your bravery. They ask you 6 different puzzles. Try to solve them together! For each puzzle solved, you obtain one of 6 silver keys allowing you to open the cookie boxes. Can you solve all their puzzles? Do the saved boxes still contain cookies, or have the monsters played pranks on you?

EXIT is a game that takes on the sensations of “escape games”. Equipped with clues, materials and a decoder, your mission will be to get out of the game as quickly as possible.

• The DNA of the EXIT range in children's version

• A game without destruction of equipment, replayable several times • 6 types of puzzles that require deduction, observation and manipulation

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