Wingspan (French)

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Wingspan is a collector's game in which players play as bird lovers, researchers, observers, ornithologists or collectors, with the aim of setting up the most beautiful aviary.

Set up the most beautiful aviary!

In Wingspan, players are bird enthusiasts from all walks of life: researchers, observers, ornithologists and collectors. The objective of the game is to try to discover and attract the most beautiful specimens to your aviary. Each bird landed triggers a combination of actions in one of your habitats. Each of these habitats focuses on a key aspect of your aviary's growth: Earn Food Tokens with customised dice in a dice tower/feeder. Lay eggs using miniature marbled eggs of different colours. Expand your bird collection by picking from hundreds of unique Bird Cards.

How to play Wingspan?

A game of Wingspan is played in 4 rounds. In each round, players take turns playing until all players have used up all their Action Cubes. During your turn, you will have the opportunity to perform 1 of the following 4 actions: Play a bird from your hand Earning food and activating the powers of the forest birds Laying eggs and activating prairie bird powers Draw maps and activate the powers of the marsh birds The game ends at the end of the fourth inning. The player who accumulates the most points using his birds, bonus cards, end-of-round goals, stored food and covered cards will be declared the winner.


Wingspan's plus

  • Its innovative theme: approaching the birds from a scientific perspective is not so common in the game world.
  • Its fluid game mechanics: the game is based on simple rules that can be assimilated in a few minutes.
  • Quick games: players perform only one action per turn. This gives a lot of rhythm and avoids time-outs.
  • Its magnificent illustrations: whether you like birds or not, you won't remain indifferent to Wingspan's illustrations. They also bring a lot of character to the game.
This edition contains the swift-start promo pack, including 10 new birds and 4 game helpers to guide new players.
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