Tiny Epic Pirates (French)

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Tiny Epic Pirates is a high seas adventure game using a variable puck action system and action combinations!
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Take control of a pirate ship and bury your riches in secret hiding places!


Each turn, you move your captain token around your ship's action wheel (puck), selecting which action to perform: loot, trade, team up, attack or search. Each player has a random and unique arrangement of these actions on their puck. Sailing your pirate ship is something each player can do each time they take an action.

  •     Looting allows you to acquire loot from settlements at a very reasonable rate. It's amazing how much the negotiation changes when your blunderbuss is ready. A case of gunpowder for a promise of no evil? Fair Trade.
  •     Trade allows you to sell your ill-gotten goods on the black market for gold. Each market is only interested in a specific good, so be sure to navigate in the right direction. Timing is everything, sell your asset at the wrong time and it's worth a pittance.
  •     "Crew Up" adds a new crew member to your growing pirate ship. Crew Up increases your ship's combat advantage and unlocks new abilities for each ray of your ship's action wheel, making that action more powerful every time you take it!
  •     Attacking merchant ships and other pirates will increase your reputation. It's also a great way to earn gold and more loot to sell. Be enough of a threat and you could become a legend of the sea!
  •     Search the high seas for the treasures left behind by the unfortunate souls who came before you. Salvage old ship parts for temporary help or get lucky and find something worth selling.

The end of the game is triggered once a player has buried three treasures (after all players have had the same number of turns). The player who has buried three treasures wins the game. Ties are broken by the player with the highest legendary status, followed by the player with the most gold.

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