Terraforming Mars - Expédition Ares - Fondations (French)

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Expedition Ares: Foundations lets you enjoy Terraforming Mars: Expedition Ares with up to six players.
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Expedition Ares: Foundations lets you enjoy Terraforming Mars: Expedition Ares with up to six players.

This extension also introduces a new terraforming parameter, the infrastructure, whose track is inserted at the top of the main plateau. This setting comes with around 40 new project cards, opening up the game to new strategies related to infrastructure development while maintaining a perfect balance between the old settings and the new.

Of course, two new standard projects also allow you to develop the infrastructure, but this requires you to diversify. This approach is worth considering, as it comes with the draw of a bonus card each time the parameter is increased. Have fun discovering all these new combinations by sharing beautiful games with all your friends.

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