Circadiens - Premières lueurs (French)

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The first earthquakes were only minor tremors, but as the earth began to crumble, our sense of security collapsed. We saw the cliffs of Hytazch falling into the sea.
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Large ancient trees were swallowed up by the caverns. As the waters rose, a great roar was heard across the plains. It was not a cry of disbelief or pain, but of jubilation. Songs began to fill the air as our once peaceful hosts prepared for war. Suddenly, on the horizon, what appeared to be enormous bolts of energy shot out into the depths of space, before disappearing again. Despite the inevitable shock wave heading towards us, the clans continued to rejoice as they rushed towards the origin of the fire. What could possibly cause such joy? Why abandon caution in favor of chaos? Have we missed something, a crucial misunderstanding of this planet and its inhabitants? Arriving at the site, we are immediately plunged into combat. Six massive structures stretched across the landscape, towering over the forces fighting below. They seemed to pulse and shimmer in a golden mist. Are these the ancient relics the Oxataya spoke of? There is so much we don't yet understand, but we cannot allow ourselves to be indecisive. Will we stay and fight, or retreat to Moontide?

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