Circadiens - Ordre du chaos (French)

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We were light years away, galaxies away, when we first discovered this ancient celestial body, a planet filled with intriguing and brilliant life forms, not so different from our own.
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Some built kingdoms beneath the surface of the green seas, while others controlled the desert plains and cliffs. Among them we found scientists, inventors, farmers, traders and fighters. Although our presence has disturbed some, we have had very few incidents with residents. However, we, the Circadians, famed explorers of Earth, must do everything in our power to ensure peace. We must respect this world and its guests. Moontide leaders relayed orders from above. We must begin negotiations with all three clans, hoping to gain their favor, as well as our own security on the planet. We also need to collect organic samples for the Moontide depot. This is new territory for all of us, but we must be courageous and resourceful. The future of Circadians depends on it.

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