Munchkin (English)

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Find the monsters, slay the dragons, save the princesses... but above all explore each room of the dungeon. Munchkin is a game for adventurers who love to fight!

Munchkin, a Steve Jackson dungeon game

Do you dream of fighting monsters of all kinds? Munchkin is THE game that best meets this wish. You play as an adventurer exploring a dungeon. To win, you must access the 10th level of the tower by eliminating all creatures that get in your way. But you are not alone. Other explorers accompany you and have the same objective: to reach the top of the dungeon on the first day.

Munchkin, a game with epic humour

Whether it's the monsters to face or the equipment you'll find in the dungeon, humour is present in every card. From bubbles, fish in the aquarium to dragons, mice and carnivorous plants, the dungeon is full of hilarious surprises and more or less crazy opponents. But fortunately you will also find many features that give you some bonuses. You will then be ready to face all situations. Here again, humour is on the side, as with this chainmail bikini.

Munchkin, a cooperative game... but not always

During your exploration, you will come across monsters that are bigger than you are. In this case, ask for help from other adventurers and join forces. But beware of deceit! This cooperation may be of short duration. Other players may penalize you by throwing maluses at you. For example, you may change sex and lose your associated bonuses or have additional monsters in your fights.
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