Orleans (French)

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New edition of the game Orleans for five players. Near Orleans in the Middle Ages, struggles for influence are still raging. To get out of it, you will have no choice but to gather supporters.

A new edition of Orléans for 5 players
In Orléans, try to dominate certain specialties in medieval France. You will receive goods, coins and victory points through production, trade, development and by taking part in the development of the common good.

A dive into the medieval world
Near Orléans in the Middle Ages, struggles for influence raged. To get out of this, you will need to gather followers:

Scholars advance science.
Knights allow you to increase your field of action, but also to secure your commercial expeditions.
Craftsmen build counters and tools to make work easier.
Thanks to their talents as traders, builders or scientists, you will be able to extend your power.

But do not forget to be active in the monasteries thanks to the monks who should not be neglected. You can't do it all! The challenge of Orléans and to be able to optimize your support in the best possible way.

Course of a game
The game is played in 18 rounds, each consisting of 7 phases.
The Hourglass: The first player draws the top tile from the pile of Hourglass tiles and turns it face up. Hourglass tiles determine the duration of the game.
Census: Determine who has the most and who has the least farmers.
Followers: Draw character tokens from your bag and place them on the market.
Organization: Use Character tokens from your market to activate locations.
Actions: you can perform the actions of the places you have activated.
Event: resolve the event written on the hourglass tile revealed at the start of the round.
First Player: The first player in the round passes the First Player tile to the player to his left.
Game over
The game ends after 18 rounds. Before proceeding to the calculation of the scores, the player who has built the most trading posts receives the remaining Citizen token. If there is a tie, no one gets the token. Then calculate your final score.

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