Robinson Crusoé - Aventures sur l'île maudite - Collector (French)

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Robinson Crusoe Collector's Edition is an invitation to embark on a thrilling journey of survival, strategy and exploration. This edition promises a captivating and enriching adventure for everyone.

In this game, players are transported to a desert island as survivors of a shipwreck, faced with the daunting task of building a new life amid wild beasts, an unpredictable climate, and mysterious discoveries. Your choices dictate the course of the game, shaping your colony over the weeks. Will you discover the island's secrets, find hidden treasure or stumble upon ancient ruins?

This Collector's Edition enriches the experience with amazingly detailed figurines representing each character.

One of the special features of this edition is the Open & Play tutorial campaign. Specially designed for newcomers and casual players, this expansion includes four missions that gradually introduce the game's mechanics.

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