Sorcellerie! (French)

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In this single-player game, mechanically close to Resistance!, you play witches during the historical period of Salem.
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You will face a double threat: you will have to unleash your powers to repel the occult powers who are decimating the village, and you will also have to defend yourself during a trial, against the ignorant people you protect, but who are afraid.

Good luck in coming out unscathed.


The midnight bell rings through the streets of Wildegrens as villagers close their windows to escape the darkness. Something is moving in the night, in the forest, across the fields, on the ancient battlefield.

The isolated village is in danger. Harvests fail, animals die and villagers disappear. The residents are afraid. Some women defend themselves, but the villagers suspect that they are dealing with the devil himself. Behind the old school, a shadow spans the town well. A faint light reveals two witches who nod to each other, extinguish their lantern, and head into the dark woods.


Lead a group of witches in their fight against the evils threatening Wildegrens. Over a series of rounds, you'll take on increasingly difficult missions. If you succeed, you will gain the level of persuasion you need to convince the village that magic can be a force for good.

If you fail, you risk losing the game. At the end of each round, you must choose to either attempt another mission or go to trial, hoping that your persuasion of the jurors will be sufficient

A game is made up of a series of turns. Each round is divided into 6 phases. Complete each phase in the order shown below:

1. Play witches

2. Choose a mission

3. Play the remaining witches

4. Solve the mission

5. Go to trial

6. Recovery

The game continues until you go to trial or trigger the defeat conditions:

  • You fail 2 Missions.
  • The total number of Villagers on the cards in the Lost Souls pile is 5 or more.
  • You must suffer a Curse when the Curses pile is empty.
  • You draw a new hand without a Witch during the Recovery phase.
  • A card effect tells you that you have lost.

Will the moon bear witness to your fall or to the victory of the witches over the evil forces that descend on your home?

Spoiler: she will probably witness your downfall more often.


• 28 Witch cards

• 8 Juror cards

• 12 Conviction cards

• 6 Curse cards

• 60 Challenge cards (40 linked to a Juror + 20 common)

• 8 Villager cards

• 3 Persuasion markers

• 24 Mission cards

• 8 Villager cards

• 1 rule book

• 1 game aid


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