Voyageurs du tigre du sud (French)

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Wayfarers of the Southern Tiger is a game of exploration and collection, in which you will have to do cartography to impress the Caliph.
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Explore the waterways, map the land and the stars in medieval Baghdad.

Travelers of the Southern Tiger takes place during the height of the Abbasid Caliphate, circa 820 AD. As courageous explorers, cartographers, and astronomers, players set out from Baghdad to map the surrounding lands, waters, and skies.

Players must carefully manage their caravan of workers and equipment, while regularly reporting their findings to the House of Wisdom. Will you succeed in impressing the Caliph or will you lose your way and succumb to the wilderness?

The goal of Southern Tiger Travelers is to be the player with the most victory points at the end of the game. Points are earned primarily by mapping the land, water and sky. Players can also earn points by improving their caravans, inspiring nobles, and influencing the three guilds of science, trade, and exploration.

As they make discoveries, players will want to quickly record their progress in a journal. The game ends when a player's marker has reached the rightmost column of the journal track.


  •     1 Rulebook,
  •     7 game boards
  •     166 cards
  •      20 plastic dice
  •      76 wooden tokens
  •      168 cardboard tokens
  •     1 plastic insert
1 review

5 stars based on 1 reviews

13 Jan 2023
Wow! Cette série ne me contentera jamais assez! Toujours ce qu'il faut pour ajouter une touche original au placement d'ouvriers.